Russia’s imperialist invasion has not halted

the class struggle in Ukraine

Presented by the Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign

Sunday, July 30

Noon Eastern time, 9 a.m. Pacific

Register here.

Ukrainian socialist Denis Pilash has said “Joe Biden is not [helping Ukraine] out of a pure heart; he’s doing it in the interests of US capitalism and his support cannot be relied upon”. And during the war, the class struggle inside Ukraine continues. Even while we fully support arms to Ukraine, we must consider these crucial issues.

·  What is the role of Ukraine’s oligarchs today and how does that role impact the resistance to Russia’s imperialist invasion?

·  How are the Ukraine and Russian oligarchs similar?

·  What role do both of them play in the U.S. economy?

·  How can a campaign against both sets of oligarchs be used to build a workers movement against the invasion of both Russian imperialism and of global capital?


Denys Pilash will speak on the role of Ukrainian oligarchs and Ukrainian capitalism. Denys is a political scientist, an activist with the Ukrainian democratic socialist organization Social Movement (Sotsialniy Rukh) and is on the editorial board of Commons: Journal of Social Criticism. See the interviews with Denys parts onetwo, and three for the breadth and depth of his views on Russia’s imperialist invasion, the role of both the Ukrainian oligarchs and of global capitalism.

John Reimann will add some comments on money laundering in the real estate  industry in the United States and suggest some practical conclusions. John is co-chair of the Ukraine Socialist Solidarity Campaign and blogs at

Forum Discussion: Sunday, July 30, 9:00 a.m. Pacific Coast Time

Register here



"Cluster Bombs, the Russian Invasion, Ukrainian Resistance - a Broad Discussion"


Wed. August 2 

8:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time

on Zoom (see below for link)
Our main goal is an open discussion.  To get things going we'll hear from Ted Zuur who is in Bogota Columbia and Joanne Sheehan from Eastern Connecticut.  Most of the session, though, will be thoughts from those attending.


About Ted Zuur

Ted Zuur is a semi-retired teacher, translator, waiter, and small farmer who lives in Bogotá. He is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area where he was a student and later a trade union activist. He was the Peace and Freedom Party candidate in San Francisco's 5th congressional district twice, and debated his opponent Nancy Pelosi numerous times. She won both elections. 
Joanne Sheehan is a nonviolent activist and educator who has worked for decades with organizations like the War Resisters' League and Voluntown Peace Trust

Moderator:  Stanley Heller
Promoting Enduring Peace
More details and suggested background reading coming
You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: Aug 2, 2023 08:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
Register in advance for this meeting:


“While We Watched”: New Film Spotlights Journalist Ravish Kumar’s Fight for Truth in Modi’s India


see interview with journalist who quit his high profile job rather than turn into a Modi propagandist (You think our media is bad? ...)


on Democracy Now 7/20/23


June 28


See full petition here.  RPM has signed on.  Hope you will too.



See the full letter here.  Consider signing!


Why is Biden Letting Modi Address a

Joint Session of Congress?

On June 22 Narendra Modi,  the President of India and the Indian version of a White Nationalist, will be addressing Congress, a privilege reserved only for the closest allies of America.   Modi wasn't even allowed to enter the US and officials refused to meet him until 2014 because of his complicity in the 2002 Gujarat massacre.  Take a look at these three articles about state sponsored violence against minority religions in India under Modi's rule:  In Time magazine,  the BBC, from Human Rights Watch, and the Guardian (Britain) 

Hindus for Human Rights says, "From the stifling of dissent and curtailment of press freedom to the targeting of activists and the erosion of civil liberties, Modi's anti-democratic moves have raised grave concerns. "  

Modi has been defying Ukraine's call for boycotts of Russian goods, particularly oil.  According to the BBC India's oil imports from Russia rose ten-fold in 2022.  Reuters reports some of this oil is then sold to companies in Europe.   Oil Price says the amount of oil from Russia went from almost nothing to 42% of imports.  This is a U.S. ally????

Sign the new petition:  Withdraw the Invitation to Modi to Speak to a Joint Session of Congress

Let the President and your member of Congress know about the petition.

More about what Modi is doing to India


Stop the U.S. from Importing Russian Uranium

Germany has announced it has stopped importing Russian natural gas and coal, BUT the U.S. still imports Russian uranium!!!!!

Stop the imports and close down the aging and unsafe U.S. nuclear power plants.


Click here for details and for a link to a petition


Gandhi Peace Award 2023 to Kali Akuno